Monday, May 08, 2006

Remember the Big Gulp?

So here's how I spend most of my days: Reading punk rock confidential, lifting weights and drinking big gulps. (Oh yeah, in between I play music)

Today however, after lifting weights longer than usual the 44 Ounce Big Gulp just wasn't gonna cut, I decided it was time to step it up and get the 65 Ounce:

This drink lasted me throughout the entire day, and all that for just over a dollar.
So yeah, my days are pretty busy and by the end I'm usually pretty worn out. I've been known to fall asleep in front of the TV. Tonight Tyler made me watch Stop Making Sense, that Talking Heads movie but after a while I started to doze off again. I wanted a cup a coffee but after having gotten used to Big Gulps, I was afraid just one cup would be, you know, not very much. Enter The Mega Mug, I will never sleep again:


Witness said...


FUCK EUROPE!!!!!!!!!

iamjoy said...


Witness said...



Anonymous said...

reading "harms adventures in america" brightens each day. seeya thursday

Anonymous said...

jeff told me to check that big gulp blog out, and so i just did. It was awesome meeting everyone yesterday, especially the big gulp and mega mug king.