I always have the spot on the back bench, behind the black window. My cup holder fits a 44 oz cup and I always have the shades pulled down.

This is Chris asleep in the green limousine on the way to our show in Quad Cities yesterday. The show was a blast, the kids went nuts and I busted out my Keith Richards moves (well, I tried... once). While playing I decided my A Life Once Lost shirt is gonna lose it sleeves soon.

Angie is gonna be the next Janis Joplin. She's got a great singing voice so I suggest you all come to the Blue Cactus when she's there doing karaoke. Recently we decided we're gonna write songs for her to sing.

This is Big Joe, the biggest of the Joe's. He's the guy who runs Lifeline records who puts out MLIW vinyl. This one time he got me Stroopwafels which was amazing.

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