We're all working hard trying to get this record done in time so I kinda forgot to updat this. Last week I had my friends Ivo and Pieter over for a week and we didn't do much besides eating and drinking haha. It was great! Ivo celebrated his 30th birthday here with 40's and a cake with 20 something candles to make him feel good. Minni was so excited we had euro's visiting she decided to dress up.
More books I bought recently:
Petronius - Satyricon
T.S. Eliot - Wasteland
Gustav Flaubert - Sentimental Education
Marcel Proust - Swann's Way
Oscar Wilde - The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Hemmingway - For Whom The Bells Toll
Various - Classic American Short Stories. This one has stories by Hemmingway, Henry James, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Herman Melville, William Faulkner and way more.

zielig hondje hoor,
doeg josien
cool disco hondje!!
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