Monday, November 27, 2006

MLIW news:

Today's Rythm Den fest got cancelled which is the biggest bum out in the history of this planet. I was looking forward to finally share the stage with Agnostic Front but sadly it didn't happen.
Also, the New York and Philadelphia show got cancelled but new shows are being booked as we speak. any info on that I'll post on here and other people will post it all over the world wide web. keep looking out.

We're enjoying this unexpected day off in a holiday inn in Poughkeepsie with a couple beers and a movie. Tyler is beating everybody's ass in poker in the lobby, don't go down there.

update: I got served a great meal by a flock of hot waitresses at red robins. Edward 40hands went down while I was gone. we went to a grocerystore too! right now Big Bucks is killing Young Shooter in dice. I shaved my head, I'm bald now. We found Chris wondering by the side of the road. I hope this day never ends.

for pictures of this year rythm fest click here. they are awesome.

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