Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Counting down

a week from now I will be sitting on this exact bunker in the sun with a beer, Heldro icecream and a book, staring at the Maasriver waiting for my friends to take me out fishing. Being there it's gonna be weird looking back at the past months, but it will probably feel great.

and this is the view from the other side of the river.

sitting there 2 sold out shows in a row in LA, or a crazy night in vegas or bourbon street will seem so far away it's ridiculous.


xroldx said...

het leven is goed in het brabantse land, als je nog naar de tilburgse kermis komt moet je het even laten weten

overigens bevalt dat zen arkade nummer goed, mag nog iets meer accent in van mij

xroldx said...

dat kindje is giancarlo, het kleine neefje van philomeen
en een groot fan van robots

de kermis is van 21 t/m 30 juli

spreek je snel!

Marloes said...

That looks like Dutch paradise!