Monday, April 10, 2006


Yesterday I went to see underdog and it was great. Normally reunions suck and the band are sloppy cuz they haven't played in years and years but man, Underdog were tight. everything was supersolid, including the vocals.
Now I just hope an into another reunion is ever gonna happen.

I haven't been up to much ever since I came back from Japan. Just hanging out with as much friends as possible before I leave again in about three weeks. I'm selling a whole bunch of my gear so if all goes well I got some money to fix my laptop soon.

Apparently Jeff found a practice space and the first rehearsal for new songs has allready happened. I can't wait to see it.

Yesterday I found out both The Twilight Singers and the US Bombs are touring in may and hit up the midwest. That's two shows I'm really siked for if I'm able to make it. sike!

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